We are so grateful for the support we have received this past year! This has been a slow process, and a long time coming, but we’re finally on the other side!
The work done behind the scenes has been one of the biggest tasks ever under taken at Inspire, but the results are 100% worth it.
After 3 years of searching for our dream location, almost a year of renovations, our Day Centre and our administrative offices are finally under one roof and thriving.
Take a look at some of the pictures of each room, taken by the absolutely amazing ‘Ben Harrison Photography’ www.benharrisonphotography.co.uk
We’re yet to find a part of the building we don’t love; from the kitchen that serves all our guests with delicious food, to the Day Centre we use four days a week to entertain our wonderful clients.
The future of Inspire is looking brighter than ever before. We can’t wait to see how much we will grow in our new home! And even more so, how much further we can push ourselves to excel, Inspire and achieve.